In the online course "TestDaF Training“,  you will prepare for the TestDaF exam and become familiar with the exam format.

  • You will practice the exam requirements using actual sample exams for:
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Listening Comprehension
    • Text Production
    • Oral Expression
  • You will do a mock exam, which is corrected and discussed with you.


Proof of German skills at level B2 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
The best way to prepare for the TestDaF is to attend our Intensive Courses. You can attend this course in parallel with a Day Course Intensive (Modul 5 oder Modul 6). 


Further information: TestDaF-Training (German version) 

You must register for TestDaF exam independent of the TestDaF-Preparation Course (directly at the TestDaF Institute). Please note the deadline for registration. Please sign up in time for exam as there are a limited number of places available.


You can register online (online registration under "Special Courses") or in person during office hours.

More information on registration