If you would like to take the intenal DSH at the end of Level 6: C1.2 please register within the registration period by email (info@dkfa.de) and transfer the examination fee to our bank account:

Deutschkurse bei der Universität München e.V.
HypoVereinsbank München
Account No.: 1890 012 872
BLZ: 700 202 70
IBAN: DE09 7002 0270 1890 0128 72

Please specify on the transfer form the name of the candidate and "DSH" as the purpose (Verwendungszweck).

Please note that bank transfers can take 4-6 working days to process.

Important: Please read the Rules for the DSH (written examination)

The examination fee for the internal DSH is EUR 110. The certificate is included in the examination fee.