In the four-week course "Preparation for Studienkolleg", you will prepare specifically for the German Studienkolleg entrance test.


This course is designed for all learners of German who wish to take the German Studienkolleg entrance test.

Who needs to take this entrance test?

If you want to gain admission to a German university, your degree in Germany must be recognized. If your high-school leaving qualifications are not sufficient, then you need to attend a Studienkolleg (bridging course) before your studies.
The application for the Studienkolleg is arranged through the university from which you receive the invitation to the Studienkolleg entrance test. Since the instruction in the Studienkolleg is in German, you are required to prove your German skills in an entrance test.
The number of applicants for a Studienkolleg is usually quite high. If you achieve a good result in the entrance test, you have a good chance of securing a place.

Language requirements: Level B1/B2 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)



Further information: Fit für das Studienkolleg (German version) 


You need: 

The number of participants is limited. It may be that there are no more spaces available before the end of the registration period. Therefore, we recommend early registration.

You can register online (online registration under "Special Courses") or in person during office hours.

More information on registration