Summer Course in August: Intensive Course for Advanced Learners
This course offers a subject-based German training and provides linguistic foundations (technical terminology, grammatical and general language structures) that are required for engineering-related studies or for professional activities in Germany.
We offer this summer course in cooperation with the Office for International Affairs of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich and the "Munich International Summer University" (MISU).
- International students and applicants who want to qualify for technology, natural science and engineering in terms of language;
- Working people or people in search of a job who want to prepare for an occupation in a German company as technician or engineer.
Language requirements: Level B2 according to CEFR
- Special lexis for STEM-subjects (e.g. mathematics, mechanical engineering, process engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, industrial engineering, information systems, construction engineering)
- Grammatical structures and typical linguistic expressions in specialised texts and discourses
- Strategies for the comprehension of lectures and seminars
- Acquaintance with tasks, solution methods and corresponding verbalisations in the above-mentioned subjects
This course is based on the textbook: Steinmetz, Maria / Dintera, Heiner (2018): Deutsch für Ingenieure. Ein DaF-Lehrwerk für Studierende ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fächer. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-658-19768-1
All participants should buy the textbook before the course begins. The book is not included in the course fee.
Information on date, cost, cultural program, ECTS credits, registration and payment: MISU Summer Courses: general information