Summer Course in August: Intensive Course for Advanced Learners
The intensive course is for those who need German for professional and business purposes, and wish to improve their work-related knowledge of German.
We offer this summer course in cooperation with the Office for International Affairs of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich and the "Munich International Summer University“ (MISU).
- Advanced learners of German with language level B2/C1 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Professional people with good basic knowledge of German who work (or want to work) in German companies and want to improve their professional and communication skills.
- University applicants and students who are interested in business, and who wish to prepare for employment in a German company.
- In this four-week course, you will deepen your existing knowledge of German.
- You will improve your communication skills for professional contexts.
- You will improve your spoken and written communication skills.
- Job-related vocabulary and idioms
- Clear and customer-oriented business letters (according to DIN standard 5008) and business email
- Strategies for competent and appropriate interaction on the phone, in meetings and negotiations
- Practice preparing applications and presentations
- Intercultural communication training via simulation of situations in professional life
Information on date, cost, cultural program, ECTS credits, registration and payment: MISU Summer Courses: general information
Servus, mein Name ist Ping-Chau!
Ich besuchte den Kurs "Deutsch für den Beruf" mit 15 anderen Kommilitonen, die zum teil schon langjährige Arbeitserfahrung gemacht haben. Ich finde den Kurs ganz sinnvoll, man lernt unheimlich viel. Sowohl von den Lehrern als auch von den Kommilitonen. Ich will den Kurs auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen. Und wenn du Lust dazu hast, dann mach mal mit!
Servus, my name is Ping Chau!
I attended the course "German for Work" with 15 other students, some of whom already had many years of work experience. I find the course very useful - you learn loads. Not just from the teachers but from the other students. I would definitely recommend taking the course. If you have the time and inclination, join up!